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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Even Beast/B2St craved for Hyori's attention

Hyori Unnie jjang!!!!!!.I cannot stopped smiling from the moment JunHyung dragged Hyori to centre stage .I don't think this performance is staged by PD cause Hyori really looked flustered and surprised (maybe she was shy since Doojoon was there, remember she chose Doojoon as her ideal for new boy group?).Though there wasn't any moment with Doojoon, she surely enjoyed the attention given by JunHyung, Yoseob, KiKwang and Hyun Seung.Wow, those that mean Beast also want to be Hyori's close dongsaengs like SS501 and Big Bang?Duh, who wouldn't?.Even world star Rain chose to risk his life to save her if she she fell in to the sea.I can imagine thousands of anti-fans are cursing her at the moment, but I believe her supporters will stand firm behind her (including me).Unnie, fighting!!

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