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Tuesday, June 15, 2010


        It seemed like te PD of FO have faith so much in Taecyoon tandem because the so called 'fake love line' continues in the latest FO episode.Amazingly, there are about 1000++ comments on Taecyoon whether bashing or not.The angry anti-fans even used profanity like their second language in their comments which is horrible for me.These people really need to go for anger management rehab sessions.
       As much as I love TaecYoon, I must admit the current episode really affecting Taec and Yoona badly.Hundreds of Heenim's fan were outraged with Taec's action helping Yoona in their balloon fight.Yes, it does looked rude because Taec kicked Heechul's balloon who is also his senior but shouldn't it be all fair in war or game or love?.Does it fair to back down just because your opponent is older than you?.In this issue, Taec was 'supposed to look' annoyed with Yoona-Heechul fight and 'was asked' by PD to help Yoona to end it.So he did what he thought was necessary at that point.What I really dont like was the PD simply washed hand and claimed it was all up to Taecyeon , they just simply giving some guidelines.
       For me Yoona is the younger and more innocent version of Hyori.Their confidence always mislead people to believe them as conceited bitches.They are just being themselves plus men love them for their great look ,S- line figure and personality.The netizens bashed Yoona for 'acting' so fake in FO2 which lead one question to me - who are these people and qualification they have to judge?.It's commonly known, human judgement can be easily clouded with personal feelings or emotion thus no matter how true or right the situation was, they (netizens) can't never see good things in Yoona or Taecyeon because of their never ending hatred.
       From what I've seen, Taecyeon and Yoona's relationship is not all fake.Their subconsious body language showed these two is mutually attracted to each other.Their idol status made things more difficult for them.They  tried to be careful not to emit any sign of emotion or personal feelings but as sometimes it does slipped out.TaecYoon both has good acting skills as appraised by profesional critics and senior actors/actresses so the awkward look/reaction on their face in these 'FO love-line' turmoil really made me curious.How could these 2 made such mistake by giving 'fake reaction' when their acting skills are far better than that?
    I came up with my own conclusion- it was their confused heart.As profesionals, its their job to do as what the PD asked them to do but they themselves not sure whether the whole 'lovey dovey' thing was any longer just a job or their own true feelings.Too scared it will look too real, that's where the lousy expression comes in.Who ever read this especially the anti-fans of TaecYoon, might think I'm being delusional, but I DON"T CARE.Like them, I also have the right for my very own 2 cents.



Anonymous said...

Amen to that!
I think haters and antis are shocked that Taecyeon and Yoona showed us their true heart and feelings for each other...Therefore it created a wave among the international community (not so much in Korea :))...I really do think that they are attracted to each other but don't know how to proceed. The show provided the template for them to confront those feelings. Anyways, I support them. TaecYoon FTW!!

Unknown said...

HOORAY for you! I appreciate your thoughts and I am supportive in your view of the relationship.

I think they do care deeply for each other. However they are being cautious due to their fans and anti-fans alike.

Junho once said on Star Golden Bell, the reason why he likes Yoona is because she's not afraid to "damage her image." He used her imitation skills as an example. I think another example is that she has found herself slowly falling in love with the charming and never ceasing advances that Taec has not so subtley shown her.

It may have started out as a script for Yoona, but it was always real for Taec... and now it's become real for both.

My own sadness is the rumor of the show's cancelation. The only reason why I ever watched was for TaecYoon. Now how will I ever get my fix of this darling couple?!

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for your opinions. i agree your 2 cents =D
whatever the outcome, i hope they end up together. <33

TaecYoon hwaiting!!!

natashabuin said...

Well, it feels so great to hear from fellow TaecYoon supporters.Let's pray Yoona and Taecyeon will remain strong to wade through the vicious bashing.

natashabuin said...

It's a shame FO2 has to end this way.It's a shame too because my TaecYoon are left hanging.Kinda sad at first when Taecyeon denied the relationship twice but later all I can see was a guy protecting someone he care deeply from getting hurt further- Hottests are like Cassies or VIP too- strong, protective and absolute fierce.