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Monday, October 18, 2010

Dara Park taken?

Dara Park taken?No!!!!!!!!How about Jiyong??? - that was my respond as i read the article.Jiyong and Dara?.Jiyong is my third fave person in Big Bang after Tabi and Dae Dae and Sandara park is my fave in 2NE1.just like hyori's case, I have my own idea of the suitable person for Dara.reason for me to like dara is simple- she just being who she is -like Hyori.Here's the article in allkpop:

The rumor mill has been busy spinning with its latest victims - 2NE1’s Dara and international soccer star Ki Sung Yong.
Ki Sung Yong wrote on fellow soccer player Kim Joo Young’s minihompy the other day, “Sandara Park is mine”. Hearing about his online declaration, Dara discreetly wrote on her me2DAY, “I want to visit Scotland.”
Why Scotland, of all places? Ki Sung Yong currently resides there because he plays for the Celtic F.C., a Scottish Premier League team.
Ki Sung Yong responded, “Scotland is too cold.”
The interaction between the two celebrities have been causing a lot of online chatter, particularly since the two “confirmed” each others’ friend requests.
Are they just friends, or are they cyber-flirting?

my notes to Jiyong- You better do somethin' dude if you don't wanna lose her.To my relief, Dara responded to the issue:

Park Han Byul is taken, and Sandara Park is available!’
We just posted about the rumored flirtation between 2NE1’s Dara and soccer player Ki Sung Yong. As if responding to the hot topic regarding her friendship with Ki Sung Yong, the singer uploaded a hilarious photo onto her me2day of herself and actress Park Han Byul posing at a café.
Dara wrote, “It’s been a while since I’ve had a reunion with Byulie~ a cup of coffee! ke ke ke.”
The huge stamps near the bottom of the photo indicate their current statuses: Park Han Byul is ’sold’ to her beloved boyfriend Se7en, while Dara is still for ’sale’ and waiting for the man of her dreams.
Fans who have encountered this photo have expressed, “ke ke such a witty photo”“Both women are beautiful.”
Source + photo: Nate


Anonymous said...

Thanks :)
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Anonymous said...

Why you say, "why Scotland of all places?"

I was born and raised in Scotland and am a proud Scot, I am also a HUGE lover of Kpop. I find the words used here slightly offensive.

We would welcome Dara if she wanted to visit, with open arms, we are extremely hospitable people. As are Korean's, which is one of the reasons I am moving there to live next year.

I'm not trying to be mean, but please think before you write next time.

Thankyou for taking the time out to read.

Anonymous said...

addition to my previous comment,

Incase it was Allkpop's words and not your own in the article, I do apologize and Allkpop should be scolded, they are respected in the online community for bringing us, up-to-date, correct Kpop news, responsibly.

It kinda sucks that they would print that.
Sorry again to you blogger, I am sorry if I upset you in any way.

natashabuin said...

dear anonymous,

To make it clear -IT WAS NOT MY WORDS!.I would never say that because one of ex boyfriend was a Scot.Till now, Scotland is one of the places in the world that I want to visit.
Your apology?Accepted ;).When I wrote that, my focus was on Dara-GD relationship.However it depends how we read "why Scotland of all places".For me, the allkpop writer was trying to put curiousity to the readers because Dara has always been associated with Philippines other that Korea when she talked about countries.I dont think all Kpop has any attention to offend any Scots.
I'm not trying to take side but that is my personal opinion.peace!