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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Feeling for Big Bang today

This song might be from an old single but really like it especially the BIg Show version- sound so cute.Just wanna share this pic of Ji and Tabi looking hot.....
Lyrics for Lady:
Excuse me miss girl
(GD: Hey, Lady…. Know What? Hehe, yo)
Excuse me miss girl (Hey)
Excuse me miss girl (Hey)
Excuse me miss –
(GD: Come here, sit down, let’s talk)

[YB] Oh lady don’t leave already, give me some more time
My lady, I still have words to say
[DS] Don’t say “Do it tomorrow,” give me your love
My lady I say yo, I say yo~~~

[TOP] Hold on a sec, excuse me miss — name? Age? Do you have time?
Girl, I won’t hurt you, I am a gentleman so hurry up
What’s yo’ name

[GD] To be honest, (my heart) beats fast, my sweat drips down, my heart beats
I don’t know, don’t know
Big steps with big strides, one step stealthily, our love line is sunny sunny (Here we go)

[TOP] I feel a good premonition especially today
[SR] My heart flutters ah-ha will I be able to talk today

[Repeat Chorus]
(GD: Verse 2)
[SR] I try to catch your sight 1, 2 (1, 2) but you don’t look at me, make me feel awkward
You will come to me soon, I know (you’re the only one girl)

[DS] I can’t explain everything, but this is my first time being like this
The world stopped soon as I saw you, except my heart

[TOP] I feel a good premonition especially today
[YB] My heart flutters yea~ will I be able to talk today

[Repeat Chorus]
[GD] (Ahemm, Lady, I’ll give you something girl, let’s gooo)
I say yoyoyo, let it go go go I am tired, hurry up (and) call call call
Can’t you understand my heart?
[TOP] I can’t understand my own heart now, huh
I feel dizzy and disgusted when I think about what I can do for you to accept me
[GD] I feel like giving up but I feel blushed when I see your face again
I can’t handle it, I am like that

[YB] This is last time, I wear a nice suit, flowers that looks like you, and necklace, ring
I love you, I need you, I wanna be your man baby

[Repeat Chorus]
[GD] (Sing it louder!)
Excuse me miss lady
So tell me what your name is
And where you from, baby (x2)
[YB] I say yo, I say yo~~~

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