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Monday, March 29, 2010

DWL promotion sake or real friendship?

I was excited to see the news of Jerry attended Ella's signing session with 100 copies of SHERO for her to sign.Again i was taken with fact Jerry did something very un'jerryish' again whenever ella is concerned.Yet negative speculations also flying around saying he did it for DWL promotion sake.Pour moi, i dont care!if he did it for promotion sake, its a good move because I really want to see DWL beat PS Man (we are in the middle of rating wars for God's sake!).If he did it to fullfill his promise to Ella, it's also a great thing because it proves all the praises Ella sang for him is true- Jerry Yan is warm person once he gets the right person to show it.
I really dont understand why media is so much ado about nothing!They really dont care if want they write will ruin those people's life.If its true, then its fair enough but what if its trully false and slander?They forget about what comes around goes around.Back to JE's issue, as long as Ella and Jerry is happy with their friendship, their supporters will remain true to them.

here's the article i've extract from asianfanatics:

Jerry Yan appears as mysterious fan at S.H.E's album signing Source: Tw Next Media, UDN
Translated by fufu@

S.H.E held a signing event at Ximending for their latest album “SHERO.” A mysterious man appeared with a hundred copies of their album for signing. It turned out that it was no other but Ella’s co-star from "Down With Love"...the handsome Jerry Yan! The moment he revealed himself, Ella’s manliness disappeared and she immediately turned into a shy girl leaning against Jerry’s chest and called him, “Honey.” Hebe and Selina also took the opportunity to snatch a hug from Jerry.

Ella and Jerry became good friends during the filming of “Down With Love.” Thus, Jerry promised to buy a hundred copies of S.H.E’s album, and he fulfilled it. Ella didn’t know that Jerry would appear as she was telling the media, “I did invite him, but he’s too busy.” Soon after, Jerry suddenly appeared, and Ella jumped up from her seat in shock.

Within 10 minutes after Jerry revealed himself, the crowd screamed in excitement non-stop. Ella acted sweetly to Jerry while hugging him, and she even introduced her “husband” to Selina and Hebe. Selina, who refused to back down, directly called Jerry, “Xu Xu.” Ella said in joy, “I’m really surprised. I never thought that he would come. I’m very happy to make such a great friend. I’ll be full of energy to sign all the albums in a bit.”

At the event, the fans stood on two sides of the hundred meter long red carpet to welcome the “Queen Goddesses of girl groups.” S.H.E’s latest album “SHERO” promotes female empowerment and Selina expressed, “Everything that we do right now is to make history in the music industry. Every step we take is recorded. The three of us cherishes all this greatly.”

p/s:jerry looked so cheeky, didn't he?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

For Courage, Jerry Yan Revisits Kaohsiung with Ella – the Place of His Heartbroken Army Days

Yesterday Jerry Yan and Ella held a fans meet-and-greet session in Kaohsiung to celebrate White (Valentine’s) Day with their supporters. However it turned out that Kaohsiung was actually a place of heartaches for Jerry during his army days as his girlfriend then, had a change of heart. His heartache was so bad then Jerry even once considered committing suicide by jumping off the ship, which fortunately he did not eventually. In response to probes, Jerry said, “Today is a happy occasion, let’s not rake up the sad past.” On the other hand, Kaohsiung is a place which holds sweet memories for Ella as her first kiss was at the venue of the famous Kao-Ping Bridge (which links Kaohsiung and Pingtung).

White (Valentine’s) Day

CTV and GTV’s idol drama – [Down With Love] spent over ten thousand dollars yesterday to organize the fans meet-and-greet “Hi-Five” session at True Love Ferry Pier in Kaohsiung. Jerry, Ella, Xiao Xiao Bin, Xiao Xian, Michael Zhang and the rest of the cast arrived in Kaohsiung by the Taiwan High Speed Rail. The temperature for the day was over 30 Degree Celsius; and with thousands of fans gathered together, fans and artistes alike were all down with perspiration under the burning hot sun.

Wishes Lin Chiling Bliss; Jerry Nearly Sobbed Expressing His Gratitude to Production Team

Many years ago, Jerry was with the Navy during his army days and his girlfriend then had a change of heart and broke up with him. He recalled that he was once so overwhelmed with grief that he considered suicide by jumping off the ship. He shared that he had thought of proposing to her in hope of winning her heart but was rejected. It was a difficult period for him then. On the other hand, Pingtung resident, Ella has sweet memories of Kaohsiung as her first kiss, at the age of 16 years old, was at the famous Kao-Ping Bridge.

In his recently published pictorial book – [9314 Man & Boy], Jerry Yan shared on his love story entitled [Her]. While there were many speculations that he was referring to Lin Chiling, Jerry replied, “I’ve never mentioned about her.” The media hence probed further if he has contemplated a reconciliation with Lin, and Jerry replied, “This is unfair to her. Her happiness is more important. Perhaps she would have found a more suitable partner now. The constant mention of her would only cause her unnecessary problems.”

Yesterday was [Down With Love]’s last public activity; on his way back via High Rail after the event, Jerry proposed a toast to all members and cast of the production team. He drank up his can of beer while expressing his gratitude to everyone, and nearly sobbed as his eyes turned teary and red. Jerry also mentioned about the recent movie – [Monga] and said he would not mind shaving bald for his role potentially. In response, Ella joked, “You might as well consider filming a prequel to [Down With Love] featuring the army days whereby you shaved your head bald.”

Jerry Yan’s Failed Romance in Trilogy

Girlfriend’s Change of Heart in Army Days
- While he was in the Navy, his girlfriend two-timed him and eventually broke off with him. When he proposed to her in hope of winning her back, she rejected him.

One-sided Love
- Jerry dared not confess his love to a girl he was secretly in love with for 5 years. Even when he missed her, he would watch her from afar, hiding behind a helmet on his bike.

Devoted Love
- As he was too deeply in love with the other party and felt that he was too childish for her, he decided to break up with her so that she could find a better suitor. There were many speculations that he was referring to Lin Chiling.

(Sources from Apple Daily)

On-Screen Lovers Who Rather Remain As Friends
Jerry and the rest of the [DWL] cast played a game of “Tying the Red Knot” with 20 lucky fans on the Taiwan High Speed Rail. During the meet-and-greet session, they braved the scorching sun to have “Hi-Fives” interactions with all their fans. Within just five minutes, everyone was already drenched in perspiration. With the sweet chemistry between Jerry and Ella in [DWL], netizens have hailed the couple as the “Most Compatible On-Screen Lovers”. In response to this, both artistes shared that they rather remain as friends and Jerry shared, “Friends are forever.” At the end of the event, Jerry toasted and drank up a fair amount of beer in a short span of time with members of the production team in celebratory mood. Overwhelmed by his emotions, he nearly sobbed and kept saying “Thank You” to everyone. When everyone present chorused for the team to do a sequel to [DWL], Ella said humourously, “No problem, if time permits.”

Muallaf - finally!

Muallaf by Allahyarhamah Yasmin Ahmad.I've mentioned before in my previous post and last nite i get to my hands on it.Finally!.I've been her fan ever since she released Sepet under her successful works.Her last work-Talentime was released even earlier than Muallaf but I rather wait.The film was so controversial with LPF Malaysia and was said to offend a lot of religious parties even before it was released.
So when i turned on my DVD player, i was preparing mentally for lots of things-honestly i was scared if Muallaf was going to dissappoint me.i was also worried that I would become one of those 'jumud' and judgemental people.yet i believe in Arwah yasmin Ahmad- she has a lot of views on religion yet she always remain as a devoted muslim.One of her trademark that I really like was she always started her film with 'bismillah' and she even got it written in chinese just to make sure her viewer knows what it means to her.honestly, i haven't seen any other muslim director used that in their movies.maybe for Yasmin trying to convey, no matter what we do, we must do it in the name of our God-Allah.She relayed this message in one of the scenes whereby Rohani was trying to start he old school Passola.At first she tried to start it while arguing with Ana and it didn't work then she tried it again but this time she started it with 'Bismillah'.vroom!the passola starts as if there was nothing wrong with it.
The two sisters was brought up by their late mother who taught Religious Comparison in NUS thus their knowledge of Bible, Te Tao ching etc impressed brother Anthony and Brian Goh-neighbour and teacher at Rohana's school.Through the eyes of these 2 girls, Brian slowly salvaged his relation with religion.bit by bit, he fell in love with Rohani whom he viewed as devoted muslim yet with warm heart.Her willingness to forgive everyone who hurt her and her sister especially her abusive kaki mabuk father made him felt for her even more.
As i said before, yasmin has a lot to say in this movie with regards of religion and people' prejudice.For such when a lebai came to help Brother Anthony who has hit by the bodyguards of Rohani's father.I think she tried to say not all religious muslim will ill-treated other religious christians.When brian waited for Rohani and Rohana outside of the mosque, he was invited in by one of the lebai there because he was sweating and Brian's response potrayed how paranoid non muslims to muslims as if the lebai would hurt him.Hmm. another issue brought up Yasmin in this film is drinking behaviour by Rohani's father.Rohani's father represent the current modern 'malay elites'.i used word 'Malay' here because a Muslim abide the rules and would never drink.ironically, her father refused to shake hand with his private investigator because the private investigator touched the dog.This scene remind me of a chinese friend of mine, she asked me once; why muslims refused to touch dogs or eat pork but happily drink jugs of beer or bottles of jack daniel or have brokeback relationship.The only way i can answer her was malay born muslims nowadays prefer to live like christians but die as a harsh it sounds but that's the only truth- which even i hate to admit.
A lot of funny parts too inside this film and as what critics said, it was heavy with religion issues.Yasmin was trying to tell us not to afraid to learn about other religion (provided with a strong base of understanding of Islam).Rohani and Rohana are very well versed about other religion but that made them have a stronger faith in Allah to the extend Brian got borrowed Rohani's tafseer Al-Quran because he was amazed with the verses quoted by the 2 girls.The knowledge of these 2 girls were far more than any ordinary Muslims or christians yet it didn't turn them to be religion extremist or to the extend of murtad.In a way, yasmin trying to say despite of what other religious people think of her, she will always be a muslim because her faith in Allah was more than anything.
the touch of little romance element in this film made it even sweeter and meaningful to was funny the way brian expressing his longing for Rohani when she was away and i found his phone conversation witth Rohana was very sweet and cute.I really like the way rohani preached him about treating his mother right without making him felt she love him less.
All in all, Muallaf became my fave yasmin's work after Sepet, mukhsin and Gubra(i put it in order).Arwah Yasmin was trying to tell others especially the non muslim about beautiful Islam is in her very own way.For that, i won't never doubt her faith or tauhid because who am I to judge her because the one and only force who can judge her is Merciful Lord Allah.I prayed for her blessings and hope there will be a lot more non muslims and so call modern muslims watch this film.

p/s:really miss her wonderful and magical advertisement.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ella Chen - man killer?

Ella Chen of SHE is definitely one lucky gal to have tons of good looking guys as her admirers.But I like her because of her personality just like Hwangbo and Hyori.These 3 women has similar traits that made them special to me and their admirers.I hardly like female artiste the way i like those 3 women.I've my thoughts on Hwangbo and Hyori posted before this and now it's Ella's turn.
out of 3 members of SHE, she captured my attention when I first saw her in Superstar's MV.She had a very strong confidence and independent aura that seemed to be very electrifying.When she did 'The Rose' with Jerry Huang(was romantically rumored with her during the filming), I started to become her fan.When Hanakimi followed suit a few years later, I became an ardent fan of Chunella pairing.Wu Chun always look the happiest whenever Ella is around and now it's Jerry Yan's turn.Chunella pairing has been around for almost 6 years and it was said to be real.Chunella fans always had a good eyes for their copycat effects during photoshoots or press conference.Plus Wu chun always caught staring at Baobei(ella's nickname) and he can't never stop smiling whenever Ella's name mentioned.
Jerry Yan was famous for being very unpredictable and arrogant.His 'Ice king' image has melted recently ; thanks to our lively Ella.A lot of Jerry's fan are thankful to her for bringing out the bright side of him.He had a lot of leading ladies and press conference before but none of them as cheerful and happy as Down With Love leading lady and their press con.Jerry Yan seemed to be off guard and playful ever since he filmed DWL.He who had icy interaction with other leading ladies was seen to be warm and a bit childish around Ella.Though Ella told the press that they are bestbuddies, Jerry boldly mentioned he wont get the chance to court her since she prefers 'mascular guy'(hmm....Wu Chun is very famous for his beautiful mascular body).recently at the rating celebration dinner, Jerry seemed to be very chummy with Ella.He openly hug her shoulder or caress her hand while the camera light bulbs catching those rare moments-something they never see at Jerry's presscon before.
I must admit, Ella really knows how to handle the press.With her long list of admirers cum also as her male friend, the press never even once label her in such a bad way even Hyori didn't get this kind of advantage.Ella has Jay Chou as her bestie and Wilber Pan had once put her as the 3rd most important women in his life after his family member while her juniors- Tank and Judy Chou adores her.The list goes on and on.Who ever she choose, be it Jerry or Chun as her man, I hope that man will bring her happiness that she deserved.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

You are my melody vs broken vow vs i love you vs love in the ice

From Jaejoong to Choi Sang Goong

(You`re My Melody)
non naui norae

nunul gamumyon dullyoonun soridul
gudaeui maumul gudaeui jagun saenggakdurul
nae mamui manhun jabum taemune
dutji mot haesonna bwa mianhae mianhae

nunmurui shigani i
jen history
gokjonghajima Because

*You’re my melody norul yonjuhalke
On & On (and on & on & on)
non norae nae sarmui saunduturaek
insaengui mudael
barkhyojunun norul saranghae
to bullojullae non naui norae

I’m sorry ran marul hagi shirhotdon jajonshim
manhatdon nomudo mami gananhaetdon
nae yonghoni mallagago isul tae
modunge munojil tae naege wajulle

sulpumui shigando noraechorom
kok kuchi innungol Because

**It’s your love your love
naege sarangul dullyojudon
(and on & on & on)
gudaen naui ridum nae sarmui sonmul
nul hangsang gyoteso arumdaun kumi doeojwo
to bullojullae non naui norae

su obshido manhun sad love
uril noraehanun got gatado
i sungan nae gyotul jikyojunun
gudaen muotboda sojunghangollyo
nunul gamumyon dullyoonun soridul
gudaeui maumul ijen bulloyo

**Repeat úI2

Credits to: qinaaax3

When I close my eyes, the quiet sounds which are audible,
Your feelings, your small thoughts

I’m sorry, I’m sorry; I couldn’t hear you due to the unnecessary sounds of my heart
The times of tears is now history, don’t worry, because

You’re my melody; I’ll perform you, on & on,
You’re my song, my life’s soundtrack,
I love you, for you brighten up my life’s stage,
I’ll continue to sing you, you’re my song

The times when my pride didn’t want to say ‘I’m sorry,’
My heart was extremely poor,
Will you come to me when my spirit is drying up?
When I’m about to break down?
Even the saddest times have an end just like a song, because

It’s your love, your love, how you showed me love,
You’re my rhythm, my life’s present,
Please become the beautiful dream of my life timelessly,
I’ll continue to sing you, you’re my song

The numerous sad love songs,
Although they seem to be about us,
You’re the most special person right now by my side,
When you close your eyes, the sounds you hear, your heart, I’ll sing them now

You’re my melody; I’ll perform you, on & on,
You’re my song, my life’s soundtrack,
I love you, for you brighten up my life’s stage,
I’ll continue to sing you, you’re my song

It’s your love, your love, how you showed me love,
You’re my rhythm, my life’s present,
Please become the beautiful dream of my life timelessly,
I’ll continue to sing you, you’re my song

It’s your love, your love, how you showed me love,
You’re my rhythm, my life’s present,
Please become the beautiful dream of my life timelessly,
I’ll continue to sing you, you’re my song

From Choi Sang Goong to Jaejoong

I Love you

I must be crazy now
Maybe I dream too much
But when I think of you
I long to feel your touch

To whisper in your ear
Words that are old as time
Words only you would hear
If only you were mine

I wish I could go back to the very first day I saw you
Should've made my move when you looked in my eyes
'cause by now I know that you've feel the way that I do
And I've whisper these words as you'd lie here by my side

I love you, please say
You love me too, these three words
They could change our lives forever
And I promise you that we will always be together
Till the end of time

So today, I finally find the courage deep inside
Just to walk right up to your door
But my body can't move when I finally get to it
Just like a thousand times before

Then without a word he handed me this letter
Read I hope this finds the way into your heart, it said

I love you, please say
You love me too, these three words
They could change our lives forever
And I promise you that we will always be together
Till the end of time

Well maybe i, I need a little love yeah
And maybe i, I need a little care
And maybe i, maybe you, maybe you, maybe you
Oh you need somebody just to hold you
If you do, just reach out and I'll be there

I love you, please say
You love me too
Please say you love me too
Till the end of time
These three words
They could change our lives forever
And I promise you that we will always be together

Oh, I love you
Please say you love me too
Please please
Say you love me too
Till the end of time
My baby
Together, together, forever
Till the end of time
I love you
I will be your light
Shining bright
Shining through your eyes
My baby

From Pigoongmama to Jaejoong

"Broken Vow"

Tell me her name
I want to know
The way she looks
And where you go
I need to see her face
I need to understand
Why you and I came to an end
Tell me again
I want to hear
Who broke my faith in all these years
Who lays with you at night
When I'm here all alone
Remembering when I was your own
I'll let you go
I'll let you fly
Why do I keep asking why
I'll let you go
Now that I found
A way to keep somehow
More than a broken vow
Tell me the words I never said
Show me the tears you never shed
Give me the touch
That one you promised to be mine
Or has it vanished for all time
I close my eyes
And dream of you and I
And then I realize
There's more to life than only bitterness and lies
I close my eyes
I'd give away my soul
To hold you once again
And never let this promise end

From Yunho to Pigoongmama

credits to: hoyah


Shigeobeorin jakeun son jikeukhi tteollineun ipsul
Amu ildo eopseotdago kogae sugin chae

Nugunggareul chueokhaneun nae moseup turyeounggeoni
Ib anaeseo maemdoneun mar aesseo samkhigo
Ryeonhaesseotdan dwaetmoseubi saehayan nuncheoreom jogeumsshik noganaeryeo

Eodeowonjin pamhaneureul tteonajianneun byeolcheoreom
Sarangiran mideumeuro yeongwonhi hamggaehaneun ggeum
[Junsu + Yunho]
Keu sarang naega dwael su itdamyeon
Tashi hanbeon gudeobeorin keudae maeumeul
Yeongwonhan ddaseuhameuro kamssaaneulkeoya


Hyeonshirae pyeogae pudithyeo

Shiryeooneun gaseumira haedo
[Yoochun + Jaejoong]
Heulleonaerin nunmulae ggeuthaeneun
Heuryeojeogadeon pitjulgiga
Eodumsokeul hwanhagae bichugo
[Yunho + Changmin]
I shikanae seumyeodeureo
Sumi meojeul beokchan gaseumae
Ddeugeoun chaeoneul seoro neuggil su isseo

Nugurado angoitneun sangcheoman kipheun hansumeul
Kkeuleoana jul su itneun keu kongganeul chatgoisseo
[Jaejoong + Yunho]
Na deon hansaram keudaeyaegaeman soksagineun seollaeimae
Nuni bushin naae saesangi dwaeyeo kyeothae isseulthaeni


Saesanggeuthae hollo (Jaejoong: my heart)
Namkyeojyeogago honjayeotnayo (Yunho: oh, don’t be afraid)
Ajoo oraetdorok (Changmin: let you know my love)
Naega jikyeonal (Yoochun: you know)
Saranginigga (Yoochun: let you know my love)

Eodeowonjin pamhaneureul tteonajianneun byeolcheoreom
Sarangiran mideumeuro yeongwonhi hamggaehaneun ggeum
Keu sarang naega dwael su itdamyeon
Tashi hanbeon gudeobeorin keudae maeumeul
Yeongwonhan ddaseuhameuro kamssaaneulkeoya

credits to: Sparkskey

Your small, cold hands and trembling lips
Able to carry on as if nothing has happened

Are you afraid of remembering someone?
Struggling to swallow the words bubbling up to your lips

Your back view resembles falling white snow
Melting bit by bit

Just like the star that doesn’t leave the dark night sky
We’ll carry this dream forever together with love and trust
If I were that person
Once again
I’d hug your hardened heart tightly in my arms forever

Against the wall of reality
Even the coldest of hearts
At the end of the flowing tears

The fuzzy stream of light
Shines brightly in the darkness
Passing through that time

Able to feel each other’s body heat
In the heart that stops breathing

Everyone has scars and heavy sighs
I’m trying to find that space in time when I can draw you into my arms

I can’t believe how just whispering to you make me so nervous
Till we can be together in my world

Alone in the end of time, my heart
Don’t be afraid because you were left alone
Till the end of time I’ll let you know my love
I’ll protect you, you know
Because I love you, I’ll let you know my love

Just like the star that doesn’t leave the dark sky
We’ll carry this dream forever together with love and trust
If I were that person
Once again
I’d hug your hardened heart tightly in my arms forever


dear CSG, please take a good care of Jae as i won't be in the middle anymore.....

Bunyi hentaman bola boling yang mengena pin-pin yang tegak berdiri dihujung lorong kedengaran jelas di lubang telinganya.Bahkan barang sesiapa yang tidak mendengar bunyi tersebut ada masalah pendengaran atau lebih tepat lagi tidak korek telinga berbulan-bulan.Masakan tidak jika kesemua lorong boling dipusat itu dipenuhi oleh peminat-peminat boling seperti …. lelaki yang sedang mencari dan mengumpul kekuatan untuk menghayun bola tersebut.’Hmm, ‘cool’ nya mamat ni ‘, bisik hati kecil Nabilah meskipun lelaki tersebut membelakangkannya.
“Jae!Fighting!, “ jerit perempuan disebelahnya.Sakit gegendang telinga Nabilah yang tidak berdosa itu.Dia betul-betul teringin menjalarkan jemari runcingnya keleher perempuan tersebut tapi apa kan daya, dia adalah kakaknya sendiri.Sebaik sahaja menyedari hakikat itu, hati Nabilah benar-benar sakit.Tiada siapa yang dapat dipersalahkan melainkan dirinya sendiri kerana gagal menyedari betapa istimewanya Jaejoong.Lelaki berkemeja kekotak berwarna merah itu berpaling kearah mereka atau lebih tepat lagi kea rah kakaknya dan menghadiahkan senyuman yang paling manis.Nasib baik daya ketahanan Nabilah tidak seteruk Sunako yang sering kali mengalami hidung berdarah pabila didekati KyouHei tetapi dia membayangkan betapa cair hatinya dek senyuman itu.Reaksi kakaknya pula hanya senyuman bulan sabit yang sememang menjadi trademark wanita itu.Matanya yang mengecil dan berbentuk seperti bulat sabit semasa otot wajahnya bergerak membentuk senyuman dikatakan daya penarik oleh ramai kawan mereka sama ada lelaki atau perempuan.
“yes!, “jerit Jaejoong sebaik sahaja talaan bolanya mengena tepat sasaran lantas menghasilkan strike.Hati Nabilah bagaikan mahu melompat keluar apabila Jaejoong berjalan kembali ke bangku mereka dan mengambil tempat disebelah Nabilah.Namun, pandangan lelaki berkulit cerah itu hanya tertumpu kepada kakaknya.’ Ah!!!!!!!!michoso!michoso!michoso!’ jerit hati kecil Nabilah.Sehingga ke saat itu, dia tidak faham bagaimana Jae boleh menerima kakaknya yang bersifat seperti ‘cat woman’ dan adakalanya dia seakan-akan chameleon yang sering bertukar-tukar wajah.Bukan Nabilah tidak sayang kepada Natasha namun dia tak dapat menahan geram kerana kakaknya sering potong jalan dan hanya memburu lelaki-lelaki muda sebaya Jaejoong.Yang pelik tu, mereka itu semua boleh duduk keluar bersama-sama.Contoh termudah sedang berlaku didepan matanya,
“Seungyun, I believe in you.Aja aja!,” jerit kakaknya lagi sambil memberikan senyuman pembunuhnya itu.Sedangkan Jae disebelahnya hanya dapat memerhati tingkah laku teman wanitanya itu tanpa berkata apa-apa.Serta- merta Nabilah terasa marah kerana dia tidak menerima kelakuan Natasha yang ‘flirty’ terhadap rakan baik Jaejoong.
“wei makcik, slowlah sikit!awak tu bukan muda lagi nak buat gaya comel macam tu, “ ujar Nabilah perlahan kepada kakaknya.Dia khuatir jika kata-katanya itu terkuat nescaya airmuka kakaknya akan jatuh.
“Dia memang comel pun, biarlah.You guys look almost at the same age,” kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut Jaejoong itu ibarat bom yang meledak secara tiba-tiba.
“ha, ha ha!thank you dear .See, even Jae also thinks I looked younger than my real age, “ sahut kakak sambil tersenyum ke hujung telinga.Nabilah hanya terdaya merengus dan memeluk tubuh. ‘Sengal punya mamat.Flirty macam tu pun dia boleh terima, hilang akal ke apa.Kakak pun satu hal, dia anggap Jae sebagai pak turut je ke?Kalau ye, memang padanlah kome berdua.Eeee, geramnyer!!!!!, hati kecil Nabilah terus memberontak.

Langkah mereka melewati ruang lobi Pavilion yang serba serbi happening dek penonton menanti tarian singa yang akan dipersembahkan 10 minit lagi.Sekali lagi kepala Nabilah berdenyut kuat dek perangai kakaknya dan Jaejoong.Tuhan sahaja tahu betapa malunya dia apabila Natasha menarik Jaejoong, Seunghyun dan Daesung duduk bersama-kama di anak tangga yang menghadap ruang pentas di legar lobi tengah mall itu.Walaupun Nabilah lega kerana Pavilion belum dicemari kehadiran pendatang-pendatang asing yang pasti merimaskan namun itu belum cukup untuk melegakan perasaannya.Dia terasa tangannya di tarik,
“Marilah duduk.awak tunggu apa lagi?, “ ujar Jaejoong.Dia tergamam apabila melihat tangannya ditarik oleh Jaejoong .JAEJOONG!.’Apa mimpi mamat ni?’.Mahu tak mahu, dia terpaksa melabuhkan juga punggungnya duduk dianak tangga itu bersama mereka.Rasa macam nak pitam pun ada dibuatnya gara terperanjat dengan Jaejoong.Namun selepas itu, Jaejoong segera berpaling semula kearah Natasha yang sedang asyik berbual dengan Seunghyun dan Daesung.Walaupun butiran perbualan mereka tidak jelas, namun apa yang dikatakan oleh Daesung disahut oleh gelak ketawa.
“Jae, saya nak tanya sikit, tapi saya harap awak jangan marah, “ujar Nabilah.entah kenapa dia tidak dapat bersabar dari bertanya soalan itu kepada Jaejoong.Lelaki itu berpaling kearahnya ,
“You sound so serious.ok, shoot,” balas Jaejoong.Nabilah menarik nafas mengumpul keberanian yang mula mengendur dek renungan mata lelaki itu.
“kenapa awak macam ‘cool’ sangat dengan kakak.I mean, you can hangout with her ardent admirers?.Awak tak rasa cemburu ke?.”Jaejoong mula tersenyum kecil kemudian dia berpaling sebentar kearah Natasha yang kelihatan teruja menyaksikan tarian singa yang baru bermula.Alunan bunyi gendang mula kuat menerobosi telinga mereka.Jaejoong merapatkan wajahnya kepada Nabilah,
“I won’t be jealous because I know to whom her heart belongs to,” jawapan yang berbunyi penuh keyakinan itu menambahkan lagi kemerahan diwajah Nabilah sebaik sahaja dia didekati oleh Jaejoong.Hatinya sedikit kecewa dengan jawapan Jaejoong kerana dia mengharapkan Jaejoong untuk mempunyai reaksi yang sama seperti lelaki lain.atau lebih tepat lagi, Nabilah kecewa kerana Jaejoong terlalu yakin dengan perhubungannya dan Natasha.
“Abil, what’s wrong?,” kedengaran suara kakaknya memecah monolog kecilnya.Keempat-empat mereka memandang kearahnya kehairanan .Dia tersenyum kambing sambil otaknya ligat berfikir mencari helah supaya tidak disyakki manyembunyikan sesuatu.Ya, Tuhan!seksanya sukakan mamat sorang ni.Tolonglah aku!.
Ternyata Tuhan yang Maha Agung tidak akan meninggalkan hambanya yang berdoa- serta merta ideanya datang.
“I’m hungry.Perut adik dah berbunyi ni.,” ujarnya.
“Lah, apasal tak cakap lagi tadi?Jom kita pergi makan,” ujar Natasha sambil bingkas bangun.Nabilah tidak menyangka respon yang begitu drastic.
“Tadi kata nak tengok lion dance?, “ tanya Daesung kehairanan.
“Takpe, kita boleh tengok lain kali tapi kalau dia ni dah kena gastric, alamatnya kita kena lawat dia kat hospital nanti, “ ujar kakaknya lagi sambil mula bergerak meninggalkan tempat tersebut dan dituruti oleh Jaejoong dan Seunghyun.Bunyi kata-kata kakak memang agak kasar tapi bagi sesiapa yang mengenali dirinya, mereka tahu itulah cara dia menunjukkan keprihatinannya.Maybe that’s one of her charm.

Nabilah membelek-belek menu yang ada ditangannya.Hanya dia sahaja yang belum selesai dengan pesanannya.Sebenarnya dia teringin untuk memesan sup rumpai laut tetapi jika dia berbuat demikian seolah-olah dia ingin mengingatkan mereka bahawa hari itu adalah harijadinya.
“Makcik, cepatlah sikit, “ gesa Daesung sambil diperhati oleh Seunghyun.
“Sabarlah, Jaejoong pun tak order food dia lagi, “ ujar kakaknya.Daesung tersenyum kecil akur dengan dengan permintaan Natasha.
“ok Nuna, oh ya Jaejoong pergi mana tadi?”.natasha hanya mengangkat bahunya.Dahi Nabilah mula berkerut, ‘macam mana dia boleh tak tahu boyfriend dia pergi mana?.apa punya stail lah diaorang ni’.
“one maewontang for me, “ ujar Nabilah kepada pelayan yang lagi tadi setia dimeja mereka.kalaulah hanya dia dan Natasha yang duduk dimeja itu, pasti kesabaran pelayan itu tidak seperti ini.’Ini mesti kes dah sangkut dengan Seunghyun, kalau nak harapkan Daesung…tak mungkinlah.’Ketampanan Seunghyun memang tidak dapat dinafikan dan dia kelihatan lebih matang dari usia sebenarnya.Apa yang menarik adalah Seunghyun mempunyai aura ‘lady killer’ tetapi setiap kali dia bersama kakaknya, Seunghyun berubah menjadi agak pemalu.
Sepuluh minit kemudian, makanan mereka sampai namun kelibat Jaejoong masih belum kelihatan.Natasha mula kelihatan resah dan mendail telefon bimbitnya.
“Hello, where are you dear?’, ujar Natasha sebaik sahaja panggilannya dijawab.entah apa jawapan Jaejoong, kakaknya itu bangun dan keluar dari restoren tersebut.Daesung dan Seunghyun meneruskan perbualan mereka tanpa mempedulikan tindakan kakaknya tadi.Nabilah kian kehairanan.’Pelik, dia orang ni.tadi sibuk ikut telunjuk kakak, sekarang buat dek je,’ sambil cuba mencari masud disebalik reaksi selamba dek mereka berdua tanpa menyedari meja mereka dihampiri.
“saeng-il chukka hamneeda, saeng-il chukka hamneeda, saranghanda Nabilah.Saeng-il chukka hamneeda, “ nyanyian lagu selamat hari jadi oleh kakaknya, jaejoong, daesung, Seunghyun dan seorang lagi yang tidak dikenali amat memeranjatkannya.Dia melihat Jaejoong sedang menatang sebiji kek dan kakaknya menatang sebuah mangkuk sup yang kemudiannya diletakkan diatas meja sebaik sahaja nyanyian itu tamat.Kek tiramisu yang tertulis ‘happy birthday, Nabilah from jae and the gang’ membuatnya terharu.Mangkuk sup itu pula diisi dengan sup rumpai laut lantas menambahkan lagi keharuan dihatinya.Dia benar-benar ingat mereka lupa harijadinya.
“ok lets eat!, “ ujar Daesung.Nabilah menjadi keliru apabila Jaejoong mengambil tempat disebelahnya dan lelaki yang tidak dikenali itu duduk disebelah kakaknya.Orangnya tinggi lampai,
Berkulit cerah, bermata kecil seperti Daesung dan kelihatan bertubuh tegap.Natasha hanya tersenyum melihatkan reaksi Nabilah yang sememangnya tidak dapat disembunyikan.
“Abil, ini kakak perkenalkan, Jihoon –boyfriend kakak, “ kata-kata kakaknya itu ibarat bom atom yang dijatuhkan tentera Amerika ke atas Hiroshima semasa perang dunia kedua.Spontan dia memandang jaejoong disebelahnya-‘ senyum lebar!Jaejoong tersenyum lebar dengan pengumuman maut ni?’
“hi, nabilah.Saya Jihoon, nice to meet you and happy birthday.i heard of you a lot from your sister and Jaejoong, “ ujar Jihoon dengan mesra.
“Jaejoong?,” pertanyaan yang ringkas itu keluar dengan sendiri dari mulutnya.
“ya, Jaejoong.oh, awak tak tahu lagi rupanya.Kami adik- beradik, “ jelas lelaki tampan itu lagi dan kemudiannya disahut dengan gelak ketawa.Masakan tidak, mulut nabilah ternganga besar dek terkejut beruk dengan makluman itu.

Natasha tidak dapat menahan ketawa kecilnya setiap kali teringat reaksi adiknya itu.nabilah di tempat duduk penumpang hanya dapat memeluk tubuh.
“Dahlah kakak.Tak selesai lagi ke gelakkan Abil?.Mata tu tengok depan, “ ujar Nabilah.Menyedari adiknya diulit perasaan sensitive, dia segera mematikan senyumannya.
“Oh ya, ada hadiah dari Jae dalam dashboard tu, ambillah, “ ujar Natasha dan disambut dengan reaksi yang pantas oleh Nabilah.Terdapat sebuah hadiah kecil namun berat dan berbalut kemas didalam dashboard tersebut.Tiada kad disertakan bersama hadiah tersebut.jemari Nabilah mula beroperasi membuka bungkusan tersebut. Namun dia sama sekali tidak menyangka kandungan di dalam bungkusan tersebut- sebuah jam tangan wanita yang mirip dengan jam tangan yang dipakai oleh Jaejoong.
“he bought it quite sometimes already, Cuma menanti waktu yang sesuai nak beri pada awak, “ jelas kakaknya sambil memandu kereta kompak merahnya itu.
“Macam mana kakak tahu?,”
“ Sebab Jihoon dan kakak ada masa dia beli jamtangan tu.He asked for my opinion, so he bought those watches and Jihoon bought me a couple ring, “ jelas Natasha sambil mengangkat tangan kirinya.Mata Nabilah terpandang kad kecil yang terselit dicelah kotak tersebut.Kata-kata yang tertulis di dalamnya benar-benar amat mengharukan.
“what did he said?, “ Tanya kakaknya itu.Nabilah menyeka airmatanya sambil tersenyum lebar,
“he said, “Would you be my girlfriend?”.Jemari Nabilah segera menekan keypad handphonenya.
“so what will you say?”, soalan yang sengaja ditanya meskipun sudah dapat diagak jawapannya.
“ Yes, I will,” jawab Nabilah sambil menaip kata-kata itu.
