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Sunday, February 28, 2010

with all my heart.......TOHOSHINKI@TVXQ@DBSK

With All My Heart ~君が踊る、夏~ (T/N: ~Kimiga odoru, natsu~)
(Lyrics, composed, and arranged by Shinjiroh Inoue)

Artist: 東方神起
Lyrics by: Shinjiroh Inoue
Composed: Shinjiroh Inoue

鏡に映った 掛け違えたシャツのボタン
Kagamini utsutta kakechigaeta shatsuno botan
Reflected on the mirror, the buttons of my shirts are in the wrong buttonholes

Sonna sasaina kotode kimiga ireba yokattato omou
Even with these little things, I truly long for you

逢えない時間が 僕らの愛を強くした
Aenai jikanga bokurano aiwo tsuyokushita
The time we cannot spend together has deepened our love

Kotobani tsumarunara sotto hooni kiss wo shiyou
If I’m at a loss in words, I’ll just kiss you lightly on your cheek

それぞれを待つ日々は 忙しく過ぎるけど
Sorezorewo matsu hibiha isogashiku sugirukedo
The days longing for each other quickly passes by

こんなにも こんなにもただ…
Konnanimo konnanimo tada…
So fast, so fast, only..

逢いたくて ずっと君を思うよ… 心から君を
Aitakute zutto kimiwo omouyo.. kokorokara kimiwo
I miss you, My thoughts are always with you… from the bottom of my heart

もう一度 my heart 伝えたくて
Mouichido my heart tsutaetakute
Once again, I want to give my heart to you

君が呼べば 僕は行くよ
Kimiga yobeba bokuha yukuyo
If you call me, I’ll go to you

Kimino sobade waraitaindayo
I want to smile by your side

ふとした瞬間 傷ついてしまった心
Futoshita shunkan kizutsuite shimatta kokoro
By mere moments, your heart may be hurt

ひとりじゃ直せない痛み 僕が癒したいよ
Hitorija naosenai itami bokuga iyashitaiyo
I want to comfort your hurts which cannot be healed alone

今逢えない時なら ただ君の面影を
Ima aenai tokinara tada kimino omokagewo
If I cannot be by your side, I’ll just

抱きしめて 抱きしめてほら…
Dakishimete dakishimete hora …
Hold you shadow in my heart, hold in my heart, and…

どんな日も ずっと君思うよ…心から君を
Donna himo zutto kimiwo omouyo … kokorokara kimiwo
All the days, my thoughts are always with you… from the bottom of my heart

もう二度と your heart 離さないから
Mou nidoto your heart hanasanaikara
I will never let go of your heart again

君が泣けば 僕は行くよ
Kimiga nakeba bokuha yukuyo
If you cry, I’ll go to you

Kimiwo itsumo mamoritaindayo
I want to always stand by your side

君が望むなら 全てを尽くして
Kimiga nozomunara subetewo tsukushite
If it is your wish, I’ll try every means

君の描く未来 永遠の夢を叶えたい I wish
Kimino egaku eienno yumewo kanaetai I wish
I want to grant your future, your eternal dreams, I wish

逢いたくて ずっと君思うよ… 心から君を
Aitakute zutto kimi omouyo … kokoro kara kimiwo
I miss you, my thoughts are always with you, from the bottom of my heart

何度でも to heart 贈る smile for you
Nandodemo to heart okuru smile for you
For countless times, to heart, I’ll smile for you

悲しくても 嬉しくても
Kanashikutemo ureshikutemo
Even though sad, or happy

Kimino sobade waraitaindayo
I want to smile by your side

With all my heart
With all my heart
With all my heart

Find me, and I’ll be there for you
Find me, and I’ll be there for you
Find me, and I’ll be there for you

Source: yuulinajae @ youtube
Translation: smiley @

When i downloaded this song, i told myself to hear it with the translation to enjoy it better.and when I did it, i knew i made the right decision.The words and melody blends beautifully with their voice went straight to my heart.with my vulnerable condition at moment, it triggered my tears gland.JPop was right, Tohoshinki is definitely the best imported acapella group from korea.Lately there are not much news on them making me miss Tohoshinki in action even much more.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

jonghyun's hair

When my lil' sister saw Ring Ding dong mv with me, she mentioned how much she dislike jonghyun especially with his new haircut.when i asked why she dislike him, her answer was jonghyun tends to over act and his hair look like burung belatuk.Few days after that, I asked her to help me color my hair since i cant do it on my own.knowing how hard my hair color to change, i bought Garnier light copper in order want to get normal copper color.So i left my hair to her hand with the hope it will as nice as i did hers.1 hour later, after rinse it off my hair - i saw Jonghyun's hair in the mirror!!!!.She laughed out loud and explained it was not her intention to do so.Luckily, Jonghyun's is my fave in Shinee so I wont count this one in otherwise..., she would have to count her prayers.....

Ring Ding Dong- Shinee
translation by: yeeun2grace @

I’ve fallen, so why treat me like this?
Don’t run away in fear
but why not try trusting me.
My lady

Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong
Ring Diggi Ding Diggi Ding Ding Ding

From the moment I met you,
My eyes flashed, my head stopped
and a bell rang ding dong

Look, I may not be cool
nice, or anything like that
but I’m a pretty decent bad boy

You’re like a butterfly
So weak, I’ve fallen
So gentle, I’ve fallen
I have to have you near me
Don’t worry any more, any more
you only have to trust me
I’m really digging you
I can’t let you go

You stop my heart oh crazy
So pretty I can’t stand it oh crazy
I don’t need anything else crazy
Why am I like this?

We wanna go rocka rocka
rocka rocka rocka
So fantastic
So elastic

fantastic fantastic
fantastic fantastic
elastic elastic
elastic elastic

Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong
Ring Diggi DingDiggi Ding Ding Ding
(I can only hear you)
Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong
Ring Diggi DingDiggi Ding Ding Ding
(It’s ringing in my head)
Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong
Ring Diggi DingDiggi Ding Ding Ding
(My heart is calling)
Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong
Ring Diggi DingDiggi Ding Ding Ding

I call you butterfly
As the days go by
the idea that I can’t escape you
Gets driven in further

Choose me
(Don’t turn away)
Choose me
(Don’t run away)
You have to take responsibility
for this fool that’s fallen for you

You stop my heart oh crazy
So pretty I can’t stand it oh crazy
I don’t need anything else crazy
Why am I like this?

I don’t understand how you
caught the kindness syndrome
But it’s okay if you sometimes
break away from that stereotyped image

Break out (hey)
Break out (hey)
Break out (hey)
Break out (hey)

Ding Ding Ding Ding
Dong Dong Dong Dong

Honestly I’m nervous
as to how you see me,
You might, you just might
have a good impression of me.
I can’t help but
be on pins and needles.
I can’t turn away

Complicated girl
Please don’t respond with a ‘no’
I’m an pretty decent guy
But I might go crazy
Silly girl (silly girl)
You’re my miracle (my miracle)
If I could only have you
I don’t need anything else

You stop my heart oh crazy
So pretty I can’t stand it oh crazy
I don’t need anything else crazy
Why am I like this?

We wanna go rocka rocka
rocka rocka rocka
so fantastic
so elastic

fantastic fantastic
fantastic fantastic
elastic elastic
elastic elastic

Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong
Ring Diggi DingDiggi Ding Ding Ding
(I can only hear you)
Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong
Ring Diggi DingDiggi Ding Ding Ding
(It’s ringing in my head)
Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong
Ring Diggi DingDiggi Ding Ding Ding
(My heart is calling)
Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong
Ring Diggi DingDiggi Ding Ding Ding

autumn concerto coming to the end.......

Autumn's Concerto drew tears…and unexpected laughter

Source : CNA-NEWS,Chinatimes,TTV
Credit : PA @

After being off the air for two weeks, TTV/SETTV’s idol drama Autumn's Concerto returned to TV last Sunday with a two-hour episode. Despite it was last day before school starts after the Chinese New Year holidays, approximately 3.55 million viewers stayed up to watch episode 20 until 12 AM. Although the episode's average rating didn’t break 10% as the cast and crew had hoped, it still managed a pretty impressive rating of 8.06%.

The first half of episode 20 was filled with court battles stemming from the Fang Ge attempted murder case. With surprisingly few scenes between the two leads, Van Ness Wu and Ady An, the episode mainly showcased the performances of its supporting actors. Chris Wu, in the role of Hua Tuo Ye, proved his acting has come along way since the beginning of the series in his court scenes. He also provided some unexpected comic relief during a conversation with his “lawyer” Van Ness Wu. Many viewers commented that they cracked up when Hua Tuo Ye told Guang Xi, “….that ‘Xiu Xiu Xiu” “You You You” (referring Xiao Le's “Miss You Miss You”), who else could it be referring to?”

The highest rated segment from episode 20 came courtesy of the confrontation between Van Ness Wu’s character and his mother President Fang. The two reconciled after President Fang told Guang Xi the truth behind his father’s suicide. She also had a few words of wisdoms for his son in dealing with his own relationship with Mu Cheng. Many viewers cried while watching their scenes and complimented the acting of last year’s Golden Bell Best Actress winner Liu Rui-Qi. The ratings shot up at the moment when Van Ness Wu’s Guang Xi told his mother, “Sorry, thank you!”

Autumn’s Concerto will return to the air this Sunday for the last time with a 30-minute finale. P.S. Man is scheduled to make its debut at 10:30 PM in hopes to carry the momentum from its predecessor. Their competitor Down With Love has dropped back to an average rating 2.28% with its latest episode after a two-week hiatus. There are rumors that GTV would like to re-shoot its ending, as the entire series has already been uploaded onto the Internet. Meanwhile, the struggling Because Of You might be en route to become the lowest rated series of the year. It took in an average rating of 0.34% last week.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

the word of the day-Majimak

'Majimak' which also means 'the last' seem to catch my attention ever since yesterday.It's all started with Hwanyobi WGM cuts that I watched last nite followed by family outing, the one with Lee seung chul as the guest family.In WGM, the word represent sorrow feeling of departing which i must admit- I cried even though i've watched it before.Coincedently in lee Seung Chul's episode, the family asked him to sing the infamous and legendary 'majimak concerto' or 'the last concert' in english.He sang it so well that made my heart fluttered after hearing it.
This morning, just before i go off to work, the word was found again in the Family outing for the season finale.and thinking it will be the last of Family outing with my beloved favourites, my heart sank especially when Jaesuk called and said it's really the last outing.Ottoke...:(.my day won't be as cheerful as before...:So that's why i really thought the word of the day is 'majimak'.

saeng-il chukkaheyo, Minnie.

Happy birthday, Max Shim Chang Min!Hope ur drama will be taebak this year!

P/s:His birthday is actually tomorrow- 18th February.i'm just dont wanna miss it like my other 2 fave Shin Ki.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jerry Yen weds Ella Chen?

Jerry Yen weds Ella Chen?.If this is true, millions of girlfan of Jerry will be shattered into small pieces.Though Chunella tandem is still strong(Wu Chun-Ella) but Jerrella also need to be watch carefully.Thanks to Ella Chen, Jerry's fan can see a a lot new faces of him whom famous with 'Prince of Ice' image.Compared to his others co-star, he seemed to be very happy and relaxed with Ella.She never fail to bring laughter and the bright side of him whenever she is around.Maybe someone like Ella is meant for his life happiness.Though i've been following chunella tandem ever since they released HANAKIMI yet I must admit I really look forward to see more of Jerrella.

So here is the synopsis of Down with Love, courtesy of Dramawiki:

Shiang Yu Ping, an expert divorce and inheritance lawyer, is seen by others as cold, selfish, and ruthless. After Yu-ping’s older brother dies in a car accident he has little choice in taking in his brother's two orphaned children, Fei and Ting. Every nanny he hires to care for them is either scared off by the mischievous children or ends up falling in love with him. Fed up, Yu Ping asks his secretary, Yang Duo, to find a nanny that meets his requirements. Having lost all their wealth when their mother passed away and being abandoned by their father after racking up heavy debts; Yang Duo can not ignore the fact that she needs the money and recommends her younger sister, Yang Guo, for the job; assuring Yu Ping that her tomboyish sister will not fall in love with him by lying that she does not like men at all.

p/s:wonder how Wu Chun feel about those wedding photos :P

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy belated birthday, Jung Yunho!

I felt so bad while posting this- I forgot to post birthday wishes for him last Saturday(6.2.2010).I didn't totally forgotten about it because I had the date set in my E71 planner and even bought a something precious to commerate it.To post it in this blog was the only thing I forgot to do.Yunho-Shillang, mianne.
Anyway, I'm glad Yunho's other fan outhere did something great in his name.yunho's warm and big heart really has been set as an example to his fans.He did mention he prefer to have donations for other rather than big expensive things for his birthday present and his fans really listen well.Here's an article about the donation done under his name and most impressive part is, it is accross the borders.Kudos to them and I wished Yunho will have a better and prosperous year in 2010.All in all- Yunho-sshi, SARANGHEYO!

Here is the article:

U-know Yunho (real name Jung Yunho) is leading fans into a new Hallyu wave by encouraging them to donate across the borders.

Recently, one of U-know Yunho's Japanese fanclubs "Be With Yunho" did their own fundraising and made a trip to personally donate KRW$10,000,000 to South Korea's Social Welfare Organization. The local fans in Japan have also donated more than KRW$5,000,000 to the Haiti victims in Yunho's name.

The donations from international fans not only include Japan, but also those from China, Thailand, and all of Asia, which shows that Yunho's popularity can be felt throughout Asia.

Under Yunho's name, the fans in China donated supplies for students within Korea who come from poor backgrounds, and there were also various donation and volunteering activities that took place in Thailand. The donations and volunteering activities of the Korean fans are also such.

This year, on Yunho's birthday on the 6th, fans used his name to make various donations as a form of wishing him a happy birthday, and one of the fundraisers alone raised an amount of over KRW$40,000,000.

Jung Yunho's exemplary behaviour as an idol star is ongoing and not just a one-off occasion. The fandom culture is evolving into one where the fans follow their idols closely, and they do all they can to continue the warm, charitable acts of their idols and help those in need.

Source: [newsen+ baidutvxq]
Translation credits:
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Monday, February 8, 2010

I Love Him- Ding Dang (OST Autumn concerto)

I'm still having Autumn Concerto's fever.Everytime I hear Bach-Air G String and I Love Him by Ding Dang- all those drama scenes flicked in my mind especially when Guang Xi and Mu Cheng 'reunion' at Hua Tian Village.I Love Him really reflected what Mu Cheng has been thinking and feel for Guang Xi.As I looked thru AC gallery at AsianFanatics, I felt so jealous to see such beautiful family picture taken by Guang Xi, Mu Cheng and of course Xiao Le.That little kid really like a rainbow after a storm in Mu Cheng's life.if I had to go thru like what Mu Cheng do, i would do and feel the same like she did.

我爱他 (I Love Him)

ta de jing kuang liu zai
His light passion is left behind in one of the train cabinets
mou yi jie che xiang
Behind in one of the train cabinets
di xia tie li de feng
The wind blown from the train
bi hui yi hai zhong
Is stronger than the memory

zheng zuo cheng shi yi zhi
The entire City isa
deng zhe wo
waiting for me
you yi duan gan qing huan zai piao bo
as there is still a love relationship flowing around

dui ta wei yi yi han
The only regret towards him
shi fen shou na tian
Is that on the day of the break up
wo ben teng de yan lei
My stubborn tears
dou ting bu xia lai
Won’t stop falling

ruo na yi ke chong lai
If that moment
wo bu ku
I didn’t cry
rang ta zhi dao wo ke yi hen hao
I can let him know I will be fine

wo ai ta
I love him,
hong hong lie lie zui feng kuang
So powerful, so strong, the most passionate
wo de meng
My dream
hen hen sui guo que bu hui wang
Was harshly shattered yet I won’t forget
ceng wei ta
I have once
xiang xin ming tian jiu shi wei lai
Believed tomorrow is the future with him
qing jie you duo huai
Despite how bad the situation is,
dou bu ken xing lai
I cannot come around

wo ai ta
I love him,
die die zhuang zhuang dao jue wang
Falling and crashing to hopelessness
wo de xin
My heart
shen shen shang guo que bu hui wang
Was deeply hurt yet I won’t forget
wo he ta
He and I
bu zai shu yu zhe ge di fang
No longer belong to this place
zui chu de tian tang
The initial paradise
zui zhong de huang tang
Has become ridiculous

如果还有遗憾 又怎么样呢
ru guo hai you yi han you zen mo yang ne
If there are still regrets what can I do
伤了痛了懂了 就能好了吗
shang le tong le dong le jiu neng hao le ma
Been hurt and then learnt does that mean I will be fine again?
ceng jing yi kao bi ci de jian bang
We once leaned on each other’s shoulders
ru jin ge zi zai ren hai liu lang
Today, we are individuals separated in the large ocean of people

wo ai ta
I love him,
hong hong lie lie zui feng kuang
So powerful, so strong, the most passionate
wo de meng
My dream
hen hen sui guo que bu hui wang
Was harshly shattered yet I won’t forget
逃不開 愛越深越互相傷害
tao bu kai ai yue shen yue hu xian shang hai
We cannot escape that he deeper the love, the deeper we hurt each other
越深的依賴 越多的空白
yue shen de yi lai yue duo de kong bai
The deeper we rely on each other, then there are more white blanks
gai zhe mu qu ai
How am I suppose to love?

wo ai ta
I love him,
hong hong lie lie zui feng kuang
So powerful, so strong, the most passionate
wo de meng
My dream
hen hen sui guo que bu hui wang
Was harshly shattered yet I won’t forget
ceng wei ta
I have once
xiang xin ming tian jiu shi wei lai
Believed tomorrow is the future with him
qing jie you duo huai
Despite how bad the situation is,
dou bu ken xing lai
I cannot come around

wo ai ta
I love him,
die die zhuang zhuang dao jue wang
Falling and crashing to hopelessness
wo de xin
My heart
shen shen shang guo que bu hui wang
Was deeply hurt yet I won’t forget
wo he ta
He and I
bu zai shu yu zhe ge di fang
No longer belong to this place
zui chu de tian tang
The initial paradise
zui zhong de huang tang
Has become ridiculous

如果還有遺憾 是分手那天
ru guo hai you yi han shi feng shou na tian
If there are still regrets, it's that the day of break up
我奔騰的眼淚 都停不下來
wo ben teng de yan lei dou ting bu xia lai
My stubborn tears won’t stop falling
若那一刻重來 我不哭
ruo na yi ke zhong lai wo bu ku
If that moment I didn’t cry,
ran ta zhi dao wo ke yi hen hao
I can let him know I will be fine


Friday, February 5, 2010

Autumn concerto hao li hai!

There are 2 idol drama that I've anticipate since last year and both of them has one of the F4 as main lead.Down with love starring Jerry Yen and Ella Chen will premier this Saturday at Malaysia small screen and Autumn Concerto lead by Van Ness Wu and Ady An has come out in DVD for the first 9 episode.So let's talk about Autumn Concerto.
Among F4, vic Zhou is the one who always been famous for being a good actor and though he didnt won the award last year, many critics felt the award should be for Vic Zhou.During meteor garden time, Van Ness Wu's acting skills was only mediocre but with Autumn Concerto, he has developed it so much.There were a lot of heartbreaking scene that made you wanted to cry with him and Ady An.He still has the aura of cocky rich good looking man like in Meteor Garden but this time with more depth in character.
Beside Van Ness, Ady An and Xiao Xiao Bin really caught my attention.I've watched a few times of Ady 's drama but she didn't get my interest.As Liang Mu Cheng, she succeeded to bring viewers to imagine themselves in her shoes.One of the scene that really touched my heart was when she indirectly tell Guang Xi how she wanted to thank him badly for giving Xiao Le in her life.Her words was simple but the way she expressed it made me feel wanna cry with her and even the facial expression from Guang Xi was so good.he looked like he knew she was talking about him but has no clue how to connect their relation and he felt for her pain(which reflected thru his eyes.
Xiao Xiao Bin, hmm should i say the luckiest child actor because he has 2 F4 daddies- Van Ness and Jerry.Coincedently, Xiao Xiao Bin starred in both drama and gained his popularity due to it.His character is so adorable and really made us think that Xiao Le is the small version of Guang Xi- the similarity between father and son are so endearing to watch.So here is some synopsis for Autumn Concerto and hope whoever watched it will enjoyed it like me.

Ren Guang Xi, a cocky law student, seems to lead the perfect life. He's the sole successor to a huge and famous business and a talented ice hockey player. But in reality, his lonely life lacks joy, laughter and motivation. That is until he meets Liang Mu Cheng, the new bento seller at his school canteen. Although orphaned at a young age, Mu Cheng does not let her past affect her and lives life with great passion and determination. A harmless bet brings the two together and Guang Xi slowly changes as Mu Cheng teaches him how to give and love. Tragedy strikes when Guang Xi suddenly has to go through a major brain surgery which causes him to lose his memory. His mother begs Mu Cheng to leave him and the latter has no choice but to do so. Little does she know that she already has Guang Xi's child.

Six years pass. Mu Cheng lives a quiet life with her young son in the countryside while Guang Xi is now a successful lawyer and is engaged to He Yi Qian, the kind and beautiful doctor who took care of him after his surgery. A strangely familiar piano piece stirs Guang Xi's heart as he struggles to recall his past romance with Mu Cheng. How will the couple make up for six years of lost time? Happiness, which stop do I alight at?

It turns out that love never left, it's just that I remember, and you forgot- Mu Cheng to Guang Xi.