Heading to Ground has been on air since 10th September with pilot episode rating only at 5.6%.Which also mean the drama placed at the bottom of the chart as currently 'My Fair Lady' and 'Swallowing the Sun' leading the list.
I'm a bit dissappointed with the result cause i strongly believe if the show goes worldwide, it would be place at no.1 because cassies and big east out of Korea will definitely give 200 percent support to Yunho's debut drama.
But there's still good news, Yunho's acting received a lot of praised from audiences and it is said above beyond expectation from an idol like him.He was even praised by a veteran actor who worked with him without knowing he is Dong Bang shin Ki leader.Park Cheol Min himself an accomplished actor commented Yunho stimulates him and reminded him of his own younger days.
"It's U-Know's first time acting, but I see real potential in him. He's like a sponge and he doesn't miss a single word of advice from those more experienced. [...] He's so down-to-earth, I couldn't help wondering if he really was a huge star in Asia", he said.park Cheol Min also mentioned Yunho has unlimited spirit of improving his acting skills and that absolutely left a great impression for him.
The second episode has been aired with the rise of merely 0.6% on the ratings and let's pray the rating will continue to rise.Who knows, this drama will be huge like Boys Over Flower later because like Heading To Ground, BOF started poorly in the beginning but rosed like a pheonix later.
P/s:To all DBSK fans especially Yunho Fans, please pray hard for this drama success.
Yunho hwaiting!!!!
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