When I started this blog, all I had in my mind was a place where I can dedicate it to things that I love especially my craziness for Kpop, Jpop, Mandopop and Cantopop.This 'disease' has been with for years and i can even said it grew up with me.it was so hard for me because not everyone can understand my passion for my rare taste especially from a 12 years girl back then.17 years has passed and my love for it gettin stronger.
Maybe not many of us recognized Allahyarhamah Yasmin Ahmad's work but I'm one of those people.She brought a new beginning for malaysian commercials with her idea of One Malaysia.Yes, she has been preaching about one Malaysia way back then yet no one acknowledge it.I will always be grateful to her because she brought Sepet to grace Malaysian's silver screen in 2004.I felt so near to Orked because I saw myself in her.Like her, i also once had my own Ah Loong whom I loved deeply yet unlike Ah loong in sepet, my Ah Loong didn't dare fight for our love.He chose be a normal chinese guy who will settle down with a chinese girl.
The pain?Only Allah knew.But the experience didn't turn me to hate him or any other chinese people in fact it made my sentiment for one malaysian got strongger.yasmin's
work of art either films or commercial always exceptional and never fail to touch the heart of those who understand the messages.However some Malaysians hate her gut for telling the truth on the silver screen and bombarded her work with horrible comments till the extend of giving harmful threats to her.'Muallaf' premiered at Singapore's silver screen on November 2008 yet failed to make it in it's own beloved country.if it's too controversial for malaysian screen due to religious issue, then why movies like the da vinci code,warriors of heaven and earth,heaven on earth, the golden compass or jodhaa akbar made it to malaysian screen ?
I read back her blogs and i ended up with tears- she went thru lots of difficulties in her 'jihad' and I purely believed only Allah and her family knew what she had to go thru.What she thought about critics, people's respond, endless support from Singaporean, her films, all written beautifully and frankfully.Almost for the past ten years, Petronas always come up with beautiful and full of message commercial during festive season and month of independence and those credit must go to Yasmin.
She is the true icon of One Malaysia and her untimely death in the middle of One Malaysian campaign is a great loss.
To Yasmin's family, be strong cause Allah has a better plan for her and to yasmin's friend, please continue to support her idea with your own work.May Yasmin rest in peace and Allah blessed her soul.
P/S: I strongly believed instead of Shah Rukh Khan, Yasmin Ahmad deserved the Datukship better.
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