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Monday, August 30, 2010
I'm crazy jealous today.....
My morning started well until I checked out allkpop website.It was ok for the first, second , third and fourth page but then the fifth page gave me a heartache.Big time heartache- TOP photoshoot with Lee Mi Sook for Elle magazine Korea caused it.As much as I HATE it, I must admit the work was absolutely hot, especially TOP's smouldering and sleazy look.If it was Hyori, I won't feel this bad, in fact I would rejoice over it( call me bias- I dont care).
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Dating body language
Ever since Hyori and Rain 'hot' but confusing chummy look, I've been into body language thingy.It's kinda hard for us (the fans) to dig the real thing about them.In additional to my addiction to KPOP king and Queen rumors, Jerrella never fail to impress me with their unpredictable unspoken language.I used to be in Chunella camp and Ella-Wu Chun rumor has been around ever since Hana Kimi hit our tv channel.HOWEVER, it still cant beat how loving the Jerella look whenever they are together.Ella always the upper hand when she is with Wu Chun but with Jerry, its vice versa and her feminine side seemed to overflow whenever he is with her.
Lets check whether these unspoken language has been done by the Jerella or BiRi:
Expressive with his hands: He's a great communicator -- in and out of bed -- and will be very sensitive and attentive to your needs. (hands up, both Jerry and Rain always 'touchy' with their rumored partner)
Touches your lower back: When a guy is aroused, he will make contact with your lower back, sides, or thighs. If he bypasses standard contact (such as hand holding) altogether, he's REALLY aroused.(again, guilty as charged)
Leans in close: When a man wants to be with you physically, he will invade your personal space. It differs for everyone, but generally speaking your physical space is anywhere within 2 feet around your body.(main offender would be Rain- remember Happy Together with Hyori,Lee Joon and Hara though Jerry shares his part)
Large smile: A wide, toothy grin is actually very revealing. It means he is giving this his all, and he's way into you.(this is absolutely Jerry)
Hugs & kisses: Some people greet by hugging, others greet by kissing. The guy who does both is interesting and experimental, always ready to switch gears and try something new.(due to their superstar status, the max will be hug greetings)
Strokes your head: Stroking of the head, back or arms is a sensual signal meaning he loves you and is highly attracted to you.(again Jerry bagged this one)
Slouched shoulders: When a man who has a normally broad shouldered stance suddenly slouches, even slightly, it means whatever you have just said or done is incredibly endearing to him. The shoulder slouch means he's getting ready to hold you. His emotions for you are strong.(rain still wanna be discreet about how he feels but in Jerry camp, he does this a lot around Ella)
Source :
Top Ten Hand Holding Techniques
1. The Passive Hand Hold (Jerella......)
This is hand holding in its simplest form: your sweetheart’s hand gently but firmly cupped in yours. It’s most appropriate for public environments where you want to remain tasteful and avoid looking “clingy,” but is still a great, effective way to add physicality to your romantic relationship.
2. The Intertwined Fingers Hand Hold (done by Jerella)
A step up from the Passive Hand Hold, Intertwined Fingers provides a firmer grip and an increased sense of intimacy. This type of hand holding is perfect while taking a romantic walk together, but it can have a downside of sweaty palms!
3. The One-Finger Hand Hold
Holding just one of your lover’s fingers is a more romantically playful method for times when you’re feeling flirtatious. This is the easiest hand hold for your sweetheart to pull away from, but is still a great way to add some fun intimacy to the mix.
4. The Massaging Hand Hold
Turning a simple hand-holding session into a relaxing massage is a wonderful romantic surprise to give your sweetheart. There’s an art to romantic massage, and an unlimited number of ways you can caress your lover’s hands and give attention to each finger. This hand-holding method is best used while sitting down!
5. The Two-Hand Hold (guilty as charged by Jerella )
Here’s another technique that is tough to do while standing, but one of the best ways to add some serious physicality and intimacy to hand holding. Taking your sweetheart’s hand in both of yours will give them a deep sense of security, importance and calm.
6. The Palm Caress Hand Hold (guilty as charged for Jerry and Ella)
This method is an intimate, secret way to tastefully caress your lover without being noticed by others around you. Starting with the Passive or Intertwined Fingers technique, use one of your fingers to gently rub your sweetheart’s palm in an up-and-down or swirling fashion.
7. The Kissing Hand Hold
The Kissing Hand Hold is perfect for intimate situations when you’re alone with your special someone, and is often combined with the Two-Hand Hold. Clean hands are perfect for kissing, and you should never be afraid to shower your lover’s fingertips, palms and wrists with romantic pecks!
8. The Gentle Pinching Hand Hold
This one isn’t right for every romantic relationship, and can be a little too playful and rough for some couples. But gently pinching your lover’s fingertips and palms, if done correctly, can be an exciting, fun experience for you and your sweetheart, as long as you make sure you don’t do it too hard.
9. The Warm-Up Hand Hold
When it’s cold outside, there’s no better way to warm up your fingers than by having them caressed and rubbed lovingly by your favorite person in the world. Don’t make your sweetheart use a heater when you have two perfectly good, warm hands to help them out! Combine this technique with the Massaging Hand Hold for a great effect.
10. The The Morse-Code Hand Hold (done by Jerella)
This is the most unorthodox and interactive hand-holding technique, but can be a heck of a lot of fun if you and your lover can master it. Agree ahead of time of a phrase that you want to share with each other silently–such as “I love you”–and assign it a number of squeezes that correspond with the syllables in the phrase. Your sweetheart will remember that when you squeeze three times it means “I-love-you” . . . and can respond with a four-squeeze “I-love-you-too”!
Source : http://www.romancetr...our-sweetheart/
Lets check whether these unspoken language has been done by the Jerella or BiRi:
Expressive with his hands: He's a great communicator -- in and out of bed -- and will be very sensitive and attentive to your needs. (hands up, both Jerry and Rain always 'touchy' with their rumored partner)
Touches your lower back: When a guy is aroused, he will make contact with your lower back, sides, or thighs. If he bypasses standard contact (such as hand holding) altogether, he's REALLY aroused.(again, guilty as charged)
Leans in close: When a man wants to be with you physically, he will invade your personal space. It differs for everyone, but generally speaking your physical space is anywhere within 2 feet around your body.(main offender would be Rain- remember Happy Together with Hyori,Lee Joon and Hara though Jerry shares his part)
Large smile: A wide, toothy grin is actually very revealing. It means he is giving this his all, and he's way into you.(this is absolutely Jerry)
Hugs & kisses: Some people greet by hugging, others greet by kissing. The guy who does both is interesting and experimental, always ready to switch gears and try something new.(due to their superstar status, the max will be hug greetings)
Strokes your head: Stroking of the head, back or arms is a sensual signal meaning he loves you and is highly attracted to you.(again Jerry bagged this one)
Slouched shoulders: When a man who has a normally broad shouldered stance suddenly slouches, even slightly, it means whatever you have just said or done is incredibly endearing to him. The shoulder slouch means he's getting ready to hold you. His emotions for you are strong.(rain still wanna be discreet about how he feels but in Jerry camp, he does this a lot around Ella)
Source :
Top Ten Hand Holding Techniques
1. The Passive Hand Hold (Jerella......)
This is hand holding in its simplest form: your sweetheart’s hand gently but firmly cupped in yours. It’s most appropriate for public environments where you want to remain tasteful and avoid looking “clingy,” but is still a great, effective way to add physicality to your romantic relationship.
2. The Intertwined Fingers Hand Hold (done by Jerella)
A step up from the Passive Hand Hold, Intertwined Fingers provides a firmer grip and an increased sense of intimacy. This type of hand holding is perfect while taking a romantic walk together, but it can have a downside of sweaty palms!
3. The One-Finger Hand Hold
Holding just one of your lover’s fingers is a more romantically playful method for times when you’re feeling flirtatious. This is the easiest hand hold for your sweetheart to pull away from, but is still a great way to add some fun intimacy to the mix.
4. The Massaging Hand Hold
Turning a simple hand-holding session into a relaxing massage is a wonderful romantic surprise to give your sweetheart. There’s an art to romantic massage, and an unlimited number of ways you can caress your lover’s hands and give attention to each finger. This hand-holding method is best used while sitting down!
5. The Two-Hand Hold (guilty as charged by Jerella )
Here’s another technique that is tough to do while standing, but one of the best ways to add some serious physicality and intimacy to hand holding. Taking your sweetheart’s hand in both of yours will give them a deep sense of security, importance and calm.
6. The Palm Caress Hand Hold (guilty as charged for Jerry and Ella)
This method is an intimate, secret way to tastefully caress your lover without being noticed by others around you. Starting with the Passive or Intertwined Fingers technique, use one of your fingers to gently rub your sweetheart’s palm in an up-and-down or swirling fashion.
7. The Kissing Hand Hold
The Kissing Hand Hold is perfect for intimate situations when you’re alone with your special someone, and is often combined with the Two-Hand Hold. Clean hands are perfect for kissing, and you should never be afraid to shower your lover’s fingertips, palms and wrists with romantic pecks!
8. The Gentle Pinching Hand Hold
This one isn’t right for every romantic relationship, and can be a little too playful and rough for some couples. But gently pinching your lover’s fingertips and palms, if done correctly, can be an exciting, fun experience for you and your sweetheart, as long as you make sure you don’t do it too hard.
9. The Warm-Up Hand Hold
When it’s cold outside, there’s no better way to warm up your fingers than by having them caressed and rubbed lovingly by your favorite person in the world. Don’t make your sweetheart use a heater when you have two perfectly good, warm hands to help them out! Combine this technique with the Massaging Hand Hold for a great effect.
10. The The Morse-Code Hand Hold (done by Jerella)
This is the most unorthodox and interactive hand-holding technique, but can be a heck of a lot of fun if you and your lover can master it. Agree ahead of time of a phrase that you want to share with each other silently–such as “I love you”–and assign it a number of squeezes that correspond with the syllables in the phrase. Your sweetheart will remember that when you squeeze three times it means “I-love-you” . . . and can respond with a four-squeeze “I-love-you-too”!
Source : http://www.romancetr...our-sweetheart/
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Gift- OST Down With Love by Jade Liu
credit to:Top 10 Pinyin
Jade Liu- Li Wu (Gift)
zhong yu ke yi zai jin tian hua shang ju dian
yi zheng ye fan yue guo qu hua mian
kuai xiang bu qi wo men wei he hui jue bie
zhi kan dao na shuang ni song de xie
zou yi bu you yi bu
wo cai fa xian rao le ge quan
zou le hao ji nian you hui dao yuan dian
ni song de li wu hui bu hui tai te bie
hao bu bi hui na bu an de chuan yan
dan jian xing jian yuan xi guan dao mei gan jue
nan dao ni zao xiang yao wo zou yuan
ni song de li wu zai ci ke hao ti tie
pei wo hui yi ba guo wang zou yi bian
chuan le zhe xie nian nan mian hui you wu dian
jiu xiang mei duan ai zong hui you zhong dian*
shi shang zui can ku de kong pa shi shi jian
kun zhu ren yi qie que huan xiang qian
gan he de yan zai ji bu chu yi dian xian
ai dao ru ci ke bei de jing jie
zou yi bu you yi bu
que gen bu shang ni de jiao bu
ni man yi le wei shen me wo que zhi xiang yao ku
Finally I can put an end to it today
A night of reminiscing the past memories
Almost can’t remember why we parted
I can now only see the shoes you gave me
I took a step, and another
I just discovered I have gone a circle
Walked so many years and now I’m back to the start
*The gift you gave me, isn’t it too special
Not avoiding any unsettling rumours
But gradually we are drifting apart till we have no feelings anymore
Maybe you wanted me, a long time ago, to distance myself (from you)
The gift you give me, at this moment, is so thoughtful
It accompanied me while I think back on our memories
After wearing these few years, it can’t be helped that it has dirty spots
Just like every love story has an ending point.
The world’s cruelest thing, I fear is, time
It can trap a person and still move forward
Eyes that are dried till tears cannot be squeezed out
Loving till this pathetic state
A step and another
Still can’t catch up with your footsteps
You are satisfied. But, why do I just want to cry
You said that we should be ourselves
Do not suffer just for love
Actually, the gift you have me is just a theft
Finally parted as accurately as the prediction
It’s a laughable situation, so much so that I want you to repay me my time
Love is sometimes pitiably cheap
With bared feet, I run with fresh blood and tears
Pick up/collect by pride
Admit that I was at one time ready/willing to suffer
The mark on the shoes, only you can understand
After tonight, I’ll forget everything
down with love,
jade liu,
li wu,
lyrics translation
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Jerella fever......
It has been a few of month since Down With Love ended but I'm still head over heels for this lovely tandem.For once, I'm very thankful to Ella and Jerry obsessive fans for keeping the rest netizen updated with PingGuo update.Honestly, it has been a while for me to update this blog.Yet at this moment I'm in a very in the mood of love for PingGuo.
Everyone knows(almost everyone) that Jerry Yan achieved his superstar status with his Meteor Garden persona- the cocky yet tender loving Dao Ming Si.Personally, when Asia being hit with MG fever, I was swayed with Hua Zhe Lei's charm and Jerry was least person I like in F4.Funny but true, when everyone was talking about Jerry Yan, my eyes and heart belongs to Vic Zhou.With his real distant personality, I didn't follow any of his drama.In fact, I was rooting for Ella Chen in DWL (really really adores her).
Now thanks to Ella, I got to see Jerry's side that is more likeable and more charming.My impression of him took a 360 degrees turn.Ella did a very impressive job changing an ice king to sunshine king since she is the sunshine queen.As I looked thru all Pingguo's pictures, its clearly shown how their relationship changes for time to time.At the first press conference, I saw the normal old Jerry Yan. Then, in behind the scene of DWL, I saw Jerry the new friend of Ella.In the first screening press conference, I got to see a new 'chummy hommies' of Ella.Starting from the rating celebration party until White Day celebration plus SHERO album promotion, I saw a superstar putting down his guard and followed the little kid in him to surface.He was just a like a naughty little boy keep flipping the skirt of the girl he liked - something that he never do with his other female co-stars.At Beijing promo conference, he's all giggly around our Ms Sunshine Ella.At Hong Kong promotion entourage, Jerry represented himself as a man for Ella to cling on with the lost of her grandfather.
People say, picture says better story than words which I agreed 100% in their issue.Ella is well known to be
handsome guy killer because her admirers are endless list of handsome and well known celebrities such as Joe Cheng, Danson Tang, Wu Zhun, Jerry Huang, Wilber Pan, Lee Hom and Baron Chen.Wilber once quoted, Ella is the 3rd important woman in his life after his mother and sister.Her close friendship with Jay Chou also is something other people admires.Now, superstar Jerry Yan has her under his skin.Jerry is beaming with happiness whenever Ella is around and its clearly shown by the way he looked or stares at her.
Ella has gone thru series of heartbreak and same goes to Jerry.If these two people can find some chances to be with each other, it will be a heaven bless for their fans.They deserve to have someone who love them for who their without taking advantage of their stardom.
p/s:would you hold your friend's hand like above if you dont have any deep feelings for him or her?hmm, something to ponder......
Everyone knows(almost everyone) that Jerry Yan achieved his superstar status with his Meteor Garden persona- the cocky yet tender loving Dao Ming Si.Personally, when Asia being hit with MG fever, I was swayed with Hua Zhe Lei's charm and Jerry was least person I like in F4.Funny but true, when everyone was talking about Jerry Yan, my eyes and heart belongs to Vic Zhou.With his real distant personality, I didn't follow any of his drama.In fact, I was rooting for Ella Chen in DWL (really really adores her).
Now thanks to Ella, I got to see Jerry's side that is more likeable and more charming.My impression of him took a 360 degrees turn.Ella did a very impressive job changing an ice king to sunshine king since she is the sunshine queen.As I looked thru all Pingguo's pictures, its clearly shown how their relationship changes for time to time.At the first press conference, I saw the normal old Jerry Yan. Then, in behind the scene of DWL, I saw Jerry the new friend of Ella.In the first screening press conference, I got to see a new 'chummy hommies' of Ella.Starting from the rating celebration party until White Day celebration plus SHERO album promotion, I saw a superstar putting down his guard and followed the little kid in him to surface.He was just a like a naughty little boy keep flipping the skirt of the girl he liked - something that he never do with his other female co-stars.At Beijing promo conference, he's all giggly around our Ms Sunshine Ella.At Hong Kong promotion entourage, Jerry represented himself as a man for Ella to cling on with the lost of her grandfather.
People say, picture says better story than words which I agreed 100% in their issue.Ella is well known to be
handsome guy killer because her admirers are endless list of handsome and well known celebrities such as Joe Cheng, Danson Tang, Wu Zhun, Jerry Huang, Wilber Pan, Lee Hom and Baron Chen.Wilber once quoted, Ella is the 3rd important woman in his life after his mother and sister.Her close friendship with Jay Chou also is something other people admires.Now, superstar Jerry Yan has her under his skin.Jerry is beaming with happiness whenever Ella is around and its clearly shown by the way he looked or stares at her.
Ella has gone thru series of heartbreak and same goes to Jerry.If these two people can find some chances to be with each other, it will be a heaven bless for their fans.They deserve to have someone who love them for who their without taking advantage of their stardom.
p/s:would you hold your friend's hand like above if you dont have any deep feelings for him or her?hmm, something to ponder......
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